Can Dogs Eat Pumpkin Seeds?

Have you ever wanted to feed your dog pumpkin seeds but couldn’t do it. And this is mainly because you weren’t sure about can dogs eat pumpkin seed or not? Well, we understand that feeling. Because being a dog parent and not wondering whether your fur baby can eat a certain food or not is impossible. But … Read more

Can Dogs Eat Black Beans?

We have recently come across so many queries related to whether dogs can eat black beans or can puppies eat beans? Yes, they can also consume black beans and their other variants. It is one food that is enjoyed a lot by your furry friends. Beans are a great source of plant-based protein, which means that … Read more

How To Give A Dog Liquid Medicine

You can hide medicine in their food. Besides, you may use a spoon to feed liquid medicine and give the medicine in your dog’s mouth. Additionally, if necessary, use a syringe. If you feed medicine to a dog, you can find them behaving differently. Usually, dogs can fight you and don’t take it. But the … Read more

Can Dogs Have Pistachios?

Can Dogs Eat Basil

People have always preferred dogs as pets for being loyal and faithful to their masters. Not only are they trustworthy, but they are also indefinitely adorable. So, who can blame someone for falling in love with these quadrupeds? However, with love and desire to pet, them comes responsibility. We all know how pets try to … Read more